
My day today had very little structure. I stayed in town last night so I could watch the Apple event this morning, which was a little underwhelming. After that was over we had lunch, I took my sisters dog for a walk, then I went for a run with her and two of her friends at the track after she was done work. Then I came back to Grandmas (ate an entire box of halloween candy) and am now just kind of lounging around. I did a bit of writing, but not much. 

Something that's been stopping me from really structuring my day out is lack of a good application for planning. I know, paper and pencil, la dee dah, but I'm a tech guy. Now, I know this isn't ACTUALLY stopping me from putting structure to my day, it's just an artificial barrier that I've constructed in my mind, but it's there nonetheless. I am not mentally strong enough to just sidestep it, so I'll have to go through it. 

I've been considering just using my calendar app, but preliminary testing in that regard is proving fruitless. I've dabbled with a few other apps, but nothing has worked out really well. One app that I purchased several months ago with the intention of using more often is Omnifocus, but it's quite an overwhelming app, and I'm going to need to look up a few tutorials while I'm at it. I think that's what I'll focus on for this weekend, in addition to writing at least 2k words a day, I want to tackle the planning program problem. Maybe I'll figure out how to use mail chimp too and finally get my mailing list open so I'll feel more comfortable promoting my blog. 

The idea of promotion is a bit scary. Right now it's mostly family reading (Hi Mom), with maybe the odd passerby. I've had two separate occasions where I've dabbled with extremely small scale promotion, but no one has left any comments yet, and from what the analytics tell me they haven't ventured far off that one single post they were linked to. I wanted to build up some back catalog before I started promoting, and definitely get a mailing list going. Beyond that though, I wanted to make sure this wasn't just some phase I was going through. I wanted to make sure that I was going to be able to keep steady content coming. And even though I've posted every day for the last several weeks now, even though there were a few shaky days that had almost nothing for content, I'm still not comfortable in the thought that I'm producing high enough quality of content to bring in an outside audience. 

November is book writing month anyway, so perhaps I'll aim for a full swing promotion after I'm done the book. It will be good timing, especially if I decide to self publish. Until then, expect daily posts, and expect a new podcast review this Sunday. I'll pick a really good one to make up for missing last week.