Selfie A Day

I guess I just like liking things
— Abed Nadir

I started a project in the beginning of 2017 to take a picture of myself every day. I made it quite a few months without missing a day, then I missed one. Since then I’ve missed quite a few. I should have 746 photos in my folder if I took one every day, and that number is actually closer to 650. But that’s still a lot of photos of me over time, so it’s meeting the same purpose.

So I made a little montage of the photos. You can watch it below:

It’s really interesting looking back on these photos, seeing not only what I looked like but where I was. I tried to take photos while I was doing something that would define the day, be it working or travelling or whatever. I’m torn between continuing that and trying to get a more consistent set of photos that would make for a better montage. If I standardized lighting and framing it would make the video more pleasurable to watch.

But I think the main purpose is to have something for me to look back on, so I’ll probably just keep going the way I have been. Do you have any long term projects?