A Quick Update

Man, what a busy weak and a half. 

I ended up on a run with the truck that was a 13 hour round trip, and I was just going from the location I was loading from, to the location I was unloading, then back to the loading location again. It was like that for about 5 days, living in the truck, then I ended up being able to get back home for a night and change the schedule up so that I was leaving in the morning and getting home in the evening. Still, a 900 kilometer round trip that took 13 or 14 hours ends up filling most of the day. Even when I got home by 7 or 8 pm I didn't have the energy to write. 

Which means I'm way behind on NaNoWriMo. I'm going to have to write about 4000 words a day for the next few days to catch back up. It's looking like my next shift though will let me get home in time to do some writing in the evening, so I can get back to daily updates for the blog, and get my novel finished. Even if I end up having to write the remaining 50,000 words on November 30th I'm bound and determined to finish it this month. 

The worst part is the first half of my days off were a bit wasted. I finished work on Wednesday, but I've been feeling under the weather since Tuesday, and on Thursday it turned into a full blown cold. I've been taking it easy though, and today I'm starting to feel like I'm getting better instead of worse. 

I saw Doctor Strange and Arrival this week, so I'm going to talk about both of those on a seperate post. If you're looking for something to see this weekend I would recommend either, they were both brilliant. If you're looking for something easy to watch with great production value and simply entertaining go for Doctor Strange, but if you want a bit more nuance or story building, then see Arrival. 

Expect the return of the podcast review tomorrow. I haven't picked which one I will be talking about, but I'm committing to getting that series back up and running.