Welcome to irayake.com, the website for the author Ira Yake. Here you can buy his work, get info about upcoming releases, read his blog, or just learn more about the author. Below you can find a little more info about each page in the navigation bar.
This is the page you are on right now. It will have the most current info about what is happening with Ira Yake and his work.
This is where you can read about the work that Ira has put out already, as well as see information about upcoming projects. It has three subcategories:
Novels: On this page you can read about the novels by Ira Yake that are currently out for purchase. It will also have information where to purchase physical copies (if available) and will also tell you where you can purchase the ebook format online.
Stories: Here you will be able to read all of the shorter works written by Ira. You can either read them natively on the website, or find links to download the stories for more convenient reading.
ITP: Under this section you can find links to the online roleplaying game IronThronePowers, hosted on reddit.com. Ira is an active member in the community, which plays a text based roleplaying game set in the A Song of Ice and Fire universe.
On the blog page you can find posts about what is going on in Ira Yake's life. He keeps an active blog, updating at least weekly, about his work, personal life, health and fitness goals, and other topics as well.
The about tab will give you information about who Ira Yake is, including his hometown and early life details.
On this page you can find a contact form that will allow you to get in touch with Ira, as well as more information about his social media, and a PO box mailing address.